Tuesday, September 11, 2007

First day of school!!

Hi everyone. I am sorry that i have neglected my blog for the last few weeks. I really don't know where the time has gone. With the last minute rush around before school started, to the madness run around after it started...LOL, to me now looking for work after being a stay at home mom for 17 years. Needless to say..it has been hectic.

Jackson started his new school last week and is settling in just nicely. He has already seen a speech disorder therapist and his O&M worker. I am very pleased!!

Jackson is in a class with 9 students altogether, one classroom teacher and 4 EA's. I like that he can have a bit more independence this year as he doesn't have his own EA, so while i know that there is always someone there when he needs someone, he can also have the chance to do a bit more on his own! I think that this will be great for Jackson and i am so excited to see the changes in him. :o)

I will try and be a little better with my posts as a routine sets in. Hope everyone had a smooth transition back into the school routine and I'll leave you with a couple of pics of my guy waiting for his first school bus of the year!!

Cheers!! :o)