Sunday, August 5, 2007

Jack in the box!!

Jackson has this thing lately with dumping all of his toys out of the toybox and sitting in it. He's too funny. Then he looks at me like "what"??...LOL
And then his little kitty Gizmo goes nuts with all the toys all over the floor!!...Somedays this house is a zoo!!..LOL


Kei said...

Hey, that's what happens here! William loves to dump toys out, or empty out his toybox & climb in. Last night I was getting ready to put him to bed, looked in his room and asked him, "What is this room?" to which he replied... "A mess!" LOL

Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

Gabi does the same thing, and she even has that same bucket in blue for her stuffed animals.

The Mom said...

think how boring our lives would be without kids (and clean too!) The kitties look like they're having a great time, and Jack does too!!