Thursday, April 12, 2007

Dreary, rainy, Thursday.

What is it about rainy days that make you want to climb right back into bed?

I'm not sure myself, and while I'm grateful that we didn't get the 10cm of snow that we were supposed to get last night, I can't help just craving my nice warm cosy bed.

Nobody wanted to get up and motivated today. This picture shows just how badly Jackson wanted to go to school this morning.......LOL

Anyone else find that we take way too many pictures of our kiddos when they fall asleep? It's at the point now, where if Jackson falls asleep in the living room, or anywhere that's not his bedroom, the kids will automatically bring me the camera!! What does that say about me??..LOL

Oh well, above are a couple more pictures of my sleepy little Jackson to help get you through this wet, dreary, rainy Thursday. They are just the sunshine I need to get on with my day!! :o)


Sara said...

Lol Nathaniel wont fall asleep if I am around, he KNOWS I will get the camera...He just sees me heading in it direction and he is gone :p '

Anonymous said...

oh how sweet :) I love these photos!