Thursday, April 19, 2007

Where oh where is Jackson?

Does anyone else have a child that likes to hangout in unusual places? I have a few pictures here of Jackson hanging out here and there. He really seems to enjoy being in enclosed places. As you walk into our home, there is a closet on the left hand side to hang up coats and what not. Well, this has become Jackson's closet. I'm not sure if it is a sensory thing (loves closed in places) or a vision thing (he takes his light up toys into the closet as it is really dark in there so he can see them really well). If i attempted to use this closet for hanging up coats or storing shoes, it all very nicely gets chucked back out into the hallway by the little closet monster. (better known as Jackson..LOL) He likes dumping out the toyboxes so he can climb in too!! (And when we catch him doing that we call him "Jack in the box")

Anyhoooo, here are a few pics of my little hodini


Michelle said...

that is such a great set of pictures of Jackson hiding in every little place he can fit into!

Sara said...

Oh he is so much like Nathaniel!! Nathaniel actually empties out his toy box or closet to go inside :p