Jeremy called me today, wanting to come home for second lunch because he was hungry. He was hungry because he had eaten everything i had packed him at first lunch. (1 sandwich, 1 apple, 1
juice box, and 2 school snacks) First lunch, second lunch?? Yep,
that's right, you read correctly. For the last few years the school that my children go to has decided that instead of doing the morning recess, lunch, then the afternoon recess, that they would do what they call "the balanced school day."
This means that at 10:30 am the children go out for their first lunch. They get 1/2 hour to eat and then 1/2 hour to play outside. Then comes 12:50pm. That is when second lunch starts. Again they have 1/2 to eat and 20
Min's outside. The big problem with this is that the kids are expected to bring in two lunches. Now hold on....never mind the fact that i have 3 children in school and all these lunches add up, ignore the fact that
allot of families are struggling to send in enough for one child, (with one lunch), but what about the same school sending home newsletters
about our obese children?? Hello??? You want us to send in an extra meal and your complaining that the kids are obese?/ WHAT??
Now call me crazy, but when the weekend is here, i am NOT feeding my children 4 meals a day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Snacks in between, sure, but not extra meals.
Am i the only one who completely hates this new
schedual? They say it is a way of preparing our children for the REAL world.
Well, i have yet to see two lunches in the REAL world. Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Geeeessh. It amazes me how "they" can change the whole day.
It's almost as bad as the letter J losing it's top at schools nowadays. Yup. My children (whose names all happen to begin with a J) have gotten into trouble for topping their J's. It is no longer done. What?? Changing the alphabet, changing the way we eat meals each day..........what is our school system coming to?