Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Cold's Back!!

I've decided to start this blog off by hoping something will end. WINTER!! It has been a pretty hard winter on our family this year, both health wise and financially and we are so ready for Spring!!

I'll start with Craig (dad) as health wise, he has done the best. And he didn't even get a flu shot this year!!..lol

His main upset, is financial. Money lost for doctors visits, hospital parking, time off work, and his most recent beef is the windshield on the car. We finally traded in our 1996 minivan in January and came away with a 2002 GrandAm. Craig was over the moon!! He loves this car. So it was a little more cash each month, he deserves it, right? Well the other day while driving on the highway, the windshield suddenly got hit with a rock!! BAM!! Scared the you know what out of me!! I looked (as much as you can on the freeway going 100km an hour) and didn't see a mark. Thank goodness!. Well, spoke too soon because not 10 minutes later*Craaaaack* this crack starts from where the rock had hit. So now Craig is worried because we need to come up with the cash for a new windshield!! UUGGGG!!

Lets move on to Jennifer. Jennifer has had more than her fair shair of colds this winter (and she DID get the flu shot) and she lost time off school while her younger brother was in the hospital (a completely different story)and also lost time off school because she had hurt her knee. Nothing too serious, but it hurt enough to keep her home for a few more days. UUGG!!!

Now it's Jeremy's turn. Here's another one that seems to have been run over by the never ending cold this winter. And when he is finally all better, and back in school, Karate and everything else he breaks a finger!! Not the "check with your family doctor in a few weeks just to make sure it healed okay, "kind of break. Oh nooooo, the " you will need to see a hand specialist next week" kind of break.

So today after school, Jeremy has to go and see the specialist and hopefully get good news as this is his "cheque writing hand" so school (that he has already missed so much of being sick) hasn't been fun and now his Karate is becoming an issue too. He has his grading for his purple belt (yay Jer!!) this coming Saturday and his very first tournament the following Saturday.

Now for Jackson. Poor little Jackson has been none stop sick since November. (yes, he had his flu shot!!) It has been cold after cold, then pneumonia, then more colds, then sinus infections that eventually turned into cellulitis on his poor little face, which turned into a 5 day hospital stay. And now, after all of this. He has just been off the anibiotics for two weeks (after being on them for 3 weeks) and take a wild guess who is sick with a cold again??!! Does it ever end!!??

Now me, Jo(mum) well, what can i say. I've made it through with only a handful of colds, no broken bones...LOL I do have a kidney infection right now though. UGGGGG!!!...LOL

Need i say more??!!!

As much as i am enjoying all the cuddles, bring on Spring!!!!!!!


1 comment:

S. said...

Your blog looks great! Jackson is so handsome!