Friday, June 8, 2007

Fun Friday

Well i know that I usually do Funny Fridays, but today i couldn't resist doing a "Fun Friday" instead. You see, Jackson has been taking swimming lessons, and he has been doing really well, so we thought he would really enjoy having a pool in his own backyard. Well, seeing as we live in a townhouse we hardly have a large backyard. In fact i wouldn't even call it a small backyard. More like a glorified deck...LOL
But we settled on an 8 foot by 8 foot pool. Well, after watching daddy spend all day building the deck for it to go on(so that it would be level) and then the temp dropping for a week, today he finally got a chance to get into his pool! And boy oh boy, is he ever one happy boy. Shivering, and giggling, Purple, yet refusing to come out....LOL And Loving every minute of it.
Bring on Summer!!


Emily Suess said...

I'm stopping by from Critique My Blog--great blog you have here. That pool looks like SO much fun. :)

Michelle said...

Yippy! What a fun day! Love the shots!

Akelamalu said...

I popped over from Critique too. What a lovely sunny blog.

Donna said...

I found your blog on Critique my Blog. I would love to follow your journey!

I have a 6 1/2 year old cousin who has down syndrome. He is an amazing person, I would love to gett o know your son!

We are going to buy one of those pools this Summer, can't wait!