Monday, June 11, 2007

Proud of my guy!!

Today when Jackson was at school, two teachers from the special needs school that he will be attending in the Fall stopped in to meet and observe Jackson so that they can be prepared to meet his needs come September. I wasn't informed that they would be there today, but I knew that they would be stopping in before the school year was done. Well, when Jackson came home from school today I pulled out his communication book, like every other day, to read and see how his day had gone, and there was this note from his EA.

"Hi, Great news. The teachers came today from Glenwood to see Jackson. (they were here about 40 minutes) Both of them were VERY impressed with him and with everything that he could do. Of course he did show off some, but I was glad!!"

When I read that, I just teared up!! I am so very proud of Jackson. He always trys his best and he always seems to shine the brightest when needs be. I am soooo very proud that he showed them more of what he COULD do so that they were busy being impressed by that instead of worrying about what he couldn't.
He is a total original, this child of mine...and I've said it before, and I'll say it again...I wouldn't change this child of mine for anything in the world!!

P.s....for all the new readers who had come over from "critique my blog", thank you for all your wonderful comments, welcome, and we hope that you'll stay awhile!! :o)


Jodie said...

I just found your blog from a link on Rhett's Journey. I think your Jackson is an absolute doll! I'd love to link you on mine, if it's alright. :)

jenjerjack said...

That would be awesome!! Thanks for the compliments on my little guy!
I will link to your blog too! :o)

Donna said...

I also put you on my links.

Glad Jackson shined on the right day!

He is blessed to have a momma who wouldn't change him=) God knew who his momma should be!