Friday, July 20, 2007

All Loved Up!!

I know that I usually do a "Funny Friday" but you see today is a special day for me, so I'd like to take a minute and let you know why.

Today is me and my husbands wedding anniversary. We have been married for 11 years and together for 17 years.

17 years!! Wow!! It has flown by so fast that i can hardly believe it. We were just kids ourselves when we first got together. Aged 16 and 19. Nobody thought we would last. When i became pregnant at such a young age we got the "sighs" from people who basically told us that we were too young to be parents and that not only did we stand no chance of having a decent future, but now we would be bringing a child into the mix.

Now i know that none of those people read this blog, in fact, most have moved on with their lives, but i would just love for them to see us today. Stronger than ever. Still very much in love with each other, and hell, i happen to actually enjoy spending time with my husband!!..LOL

Our daughter Jennifer turned out just fine, and afterwards along came Jeremy, who also is turning out to be a great, smart, and handsome young man, and then there is Jackson, whom people where sure would rip us apart because of the stress that comes from raising a child with special needs. Well let me tell you how much stronger Jackson has made us as a couple. Everyone should only be so lucky to have such an amazing little boy in their lives.

Anyhow...this wasn't meant to be about the children...not today, but about how much i love my husband. 17 years baby.....I can only hope that we will be lucky enough to 17 more!!

(ps.....i've added a few pics...some from when we first met, and some from about a year ago)


Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

Happy Anniversary!

Cynthia said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!(belated) I am always lurking and looking at funny pictures! Again Congratulations to you both it is amazing what will make you stronger!

Cynthia,mom to Courtney,Dayton and Joshua