Monday, July 9, 2007

Summer, summer, summer.

Well, it's official, summer has taken over at our house. There has been no time for blogging, checking DS groups, facebook, even myspace.....there is only time for summer
Well....according to Jackson..LOL
Play with me in the pool mama, lets go to the park mama, push me on the swings mama. :o)
As much as i am not thrilled about neglecting our blog, i am soooo happy to have my little guy at home to spend some time with.
When the kids are in school all year round, things seem very rushed, but now that the kids are home i am really enjoying hanging out with them.
Jackson is at a great stage!! We went to the beach on the weekend and wow, what a change from last year!! Last year Jackson wanted nothing to do with the sand, and this year he loved it!! We even managed to bury him up to his waist. And in the water....holy did this little boy every have fun!! Running and splashing!! I can't even describe how happy i was to watch him play and know that he was loving having a bit of independence!!
I will try to post some pictures later this week.
Hope that your all having as great of a summer as we are!!

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